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David Brook

CloudXP Ltd
Managing Consultant | Microsoft MVP
United Kingdom
David Brook is a multi-faceted tech enthusiast, often likened to a Swiss Army knife in the realm of modern technology. His passion lies at the intersection of Automation, DevOps, End User Computing, and the Graph API. With a discerning eye for the ingredients of successful solutions, David is a relentless advocate for enhancing the user experience.
David's enthusiasm for technology is infectious, leaving those he engages with inspired and poised to conquer their next project. Beyond his professional pursuits, you'll often find him immersed in the world of cutting-edge technologies, hosting and participating in tech meetups, and generously sharing his insights with the community through blogs and user groups.
With a wealth of experience and an unbridled passion for innovation, David consistently offers a fresh and exciting perspective to any discourse on Modern Technology, particularly within the Microsoft Stack.

Tuesday, July 2

8:00am BST

8:45am BST

9:45am BST

10:45am BST

11:45am BST

12:45pm BST

2:00pm BST

3:00pm BST

4:15pm BST

5:00pm BST